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Products:  Publication, peer-reviewed

Porter, C.M., Gaechter, L. & Upadhyaya, S. (2020). Comparing apples and coconuts: food regimes and (farmers') markets in Brooklyn, US and Suva, Fiji. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 9(3).

Arthur, M., Porter, C.M. (2019). "Restorying Northern Arapaho Food Sovereignty." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 9(B), 1-16.

Porter, C.M. (2018). "Growing our own: Characterizing food production strategies with five US community-based food justice organizations." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Porter, C.M. (2018). "What gardens grow: Outcomes from home and community gardens supported by community-based food justice organizations." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Hargraves, M., Woodsum, G., Porter, C. (2018). "Leading Food Dignity: Why us?" Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp.1).

Sutter, V. (2018). "Entering into a community-university collaboration: Reflections from Blue Mountain Associates." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Hargraves, M. and Denning, C. (2018). "Visualizing Expertise: Collaborative Pathway Modeling as a methodology for conveying community-driven strategies for change." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Sequeira, E.J. (2018). "Entering into a community-university collaboration: Reflections from Whole Community Project." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Porter, C.M., Woodsum, G., Hargraves, M. (2018). "Introduction and invitation to the Food Dignity special issue." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 8(Supp. 1).

Swords, A., Frith, A., Lapp, J. (2018). "Campus-Community Collaborations for Food Justice: Strategy, Successes and Challenges at a Teaching-Focused College." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Hargraves, M. (2018). "Introduction to the Food Dignity Values Statement." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Porter, C.M. and Wechsler, A.M. (2018). "Follow the money: Resource allocation and academic supremacy among community and university partners in Food Dignity." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Woodsum, G.M. (2018). "Entering into a community-university collaboration: Reflections from Feeding Laramie Valley." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Porter, C.M. (2018). "Triple-rigorous storytelling: a PI's reflections on devising case study methods with five community-based food justice organizations." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Hargraves, M. (2018). "Learning from Community-Designed Minigrant Programs in the Food Dignity Project." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Neideffer, M. (2018). "Entering into a community-university collaboration: Reflections from Dig Deep Farms." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Gaechter, L and Porter, C.M. (2018). "'Ultimately about Dignity:' social movement frames used by collaborators in the Food Dignity action-research project." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Daftary-Steel, S. (2018). "Entering into a community-university collaboration: Reflections from East New York Farms!" Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

McMichael, P. (2018). "Going public with notes on close cousins, food sovereignty and dignity." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Bradley, K., Gregory, M.M., Armstrong, J.A., Arthur, M.L., Porter, C.M. (2018). "Graduate students bringing emotional rigor to the heart of community-university relations in Food Dignity." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Porter, C.M. (2018). "Fostering formal learning in the Food Dignity project." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Woodsum, G. (2018). "The cost of community-based action research: Examining research access and implementation through the Food Dignity project community support package." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Gregory, M.M., Peters, S. (2018). "Participatory research for scientific, educational community benefits: A case study of cover crop research with Brooklyn community gardens." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Meek, D., Bradley, K., Ferguson, B., Hoey, L., Morales, H., Rosset, P., & Tarlau, R. (2017). "Food sovereignty education across the Americas: multiple origins, converging movements." Agriculture and Human Values. 1-16.

Wechsler, A.M. (2017). "Overcoming the Venn diagram: Learning to be a co-passionate navigator in community-based participatory research." Research for All 1(1), 147-157.

Daftary, S., Porter, C.M. & Gervais, S. (2017). "What grows in East New York: a case study of East New York Farms! and examination of expectations of urban agriculture." In C. Bosso(Ed.), Feeding Cities: Improving Local Food Access, Security, and Sovereignty (pp. 95-112). New York: Earthscan/Routledge.

Porter, C.M., McCrackin, P. & Naschold, F. (2015). "Minigrants for community health: a randomized controlled trial of their impact on family food gardening." Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 22(4), 379-386.

Conk, S. & Porter, C.M. (2016). "More than a hobby: gardeners in Laramie, Wyoming produce and share nutritionally relevant quantities of food." American Journal of Public Health, 106(5), 854-856.

Daftary, S., Herrera, H. & Porter, C.M. (2015). "The unattainable trifecta of urban agriculture." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 6(1) 19-32.

Gregory, M.M., T.W. Leslie, and Drinkwater, L.E. (2015). "Agroecological and socioeconomic characteristics of New York City community gardens: Contributions to urban food security, ecosystem services, and environmental education." Urban Ecosystems 19(2): 763-794. DOI 10.1007/s11252-015-0505-1.

Bradley, K., and Herrera, H. (2015). "Decolonizing Food Justice: Naming, Resisting, and Researching Colonizing Forces in the Movement." Antipode, 48(1), 97-114.

Porter, C.M., & Redmond, L. (2014). Labor and leadership: Women in US community food organizing. In J. Page-Reeves (Ed.), Women Redefining the Experience of Food Insecurity: Life Off the Edge of the Table. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group. pp261-283.

Porter, C.M., Herrera, H., Marshall D. & Woodsum, G.M., (2014). "Shared voices, different worlds: process and product in the Food Dignity action research project." Practice-based paper in Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement. 7(1) 116-128.

Bradley, K. and Galt, R.E. (2013). "Practicing food justice at Dig Deep Farms & Produce, East Bay Area, California: self-determination as a guiding value and intersections with foodie logics." Local Environment, 19(2), 172-186.

Porter, C.M. (2013). "Community action to prevent childhood obesity: Lessons from three US case studies." Childhood Obesity. 9(2), 164-174.

Pelletier, D.L., Porter, C.M., Aarons, G.A., Wuehler S.E., and Neufeld, L.M. (2013). "Expanding the Frontiers of Population Nutrition Research: New Questions, New Methods, and New Approaches." Advances in Nutrition. 4, 92-114.

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