Products: News media
Matsumoto, N. (2018). ?Inside the Push to Bring Racial Equity to Land Grant Universities: Academics and food systems advocates are working from within public universities to acknowledge and address 150 years of structural racism.? Civil Eats. May 30, 2018.
Myers, M. (2017). ?Snapshot: Christine Porter, Growing Food Security.? UWyo Magazine (8:2). 2017. University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.
Tregaskis, S. (2016). ?Food for Thought: a Wyoming-based scholar explores gardening as a venue for social justice.? Cornell Alumni Magazine. May/June 2016.
Newman, E. (2015). "An 'Empowering Experience - Community leaders attend global conference.' The Laramie Boomerang Online. December 24, 2015.
Edwards, M. (2015). "Wyoming Food Advocates Attend Social Change Conference in South Africa." Wyoming Public Media. December 22, 2015.
Graebner, L. (2015). "Operation My Home Town Fights Crime by Meeting Basic Needs." The California Health Report Online. October 7, 2015.
Holt, S. (2015). "Majoring in Food: Colleges Offering More Courses, Degrees." CivilEats Blog. September 22, 2015.
Funk, J. (2015). "Exploring Options: No city land for Feeding Laramie Valley - yet." Laramie Boomerang (A1). September 15, 2015.
Newman, E. (2015). "West Laramie residents express support for community garden in Kiwanis Park." Laramie Boomerang. May 14, 2015.
Parr, R. (2015). "Alameda County urban farm program expands, to add kitchen." Contra Costa Times. March 29, 2015.
Newman, E. (2015). "Feeding Laramie Valley expands program." Laramie Boomerang. February 05, 2015.
CSAC. (2014). "California Counties Show Their Innovation: CSAC Announces Recipients of 2014 Challenge Awards." California State Association of Counties Website. Sept 17, 2014.
UWYO. (2014). "Food Dignity" - UWYO Scholarly Series, posted on YouTube and presented on the big screen at a UWYO college football game.
Tortorello, M. (2014). "Mother Nature's Daughters." The New York Times. Aug 27th, 2014.
Martin, J. (2014). "Enjoying lunch in the park." The Laramie Boomerang, Aug 24, 2014. pp. A6.
Newman, E. (2014). "Celebrating local food: Lunch, garden tours offered Saturday." The Laramie Boomerang, Aug 22, 2014. pp. B1.
Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. (2014). "How much does your garden grow?" CALS Notes. Aug 18, 2014.
Scott, H. (2014). "What do local gardeners grow? A lot!" Cornell University Horticulture Blog. Aug 12, 2014.
Malek, A. (2014). "Organic for the People: Residents of Brooklyn's East New York Fight Food Injustice with Farms." Al Jazeera America. Aug 9, 2014.
Scott, H. (2014). "The Ithaca Harvest Log Project." Finger Lakes Institute Blog. Aug 1, 2014.
Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. (2014). "Food Dignity Project Garners National Recognition." CALS Notes. Jul 8, 2014.
Food Dignity. (2014). "CCPH Award Application." May 3, 2014.
CCPH. (2014). "Food Dignity Receives 13th Annual CCPH Award." CCPH Press Release. May 3, 2014.
Niewolny, K. and Schwanke, J. (2014). "A Reflection on Food Systems, Community Engagement, and Community Food Security: Learning from the Food Dignity Project and the Civic Agriculture and Food Systems Minor at Virginia Tech." Appalachian Foodshed Project Blog. Apr 21, 2014.
Newman, E. (2014). "Nutritionally Meaningful: Study aims to bust stereotypes about home gardens." The Laramie Boomerang, Feb 12th, 2014. pp. A7.
Edwards, M. (2014). "Study says small gardens can be as productive as factory farms." Wyoming Public Media, Feb 10th, 2014.
Parr, Rebecca. (2014). "Hayward produce stand sets up outside Alameda County Social Services office." The Times Herald Online, Jan 10th, 2014.
Demarino, N. (2013). "Students bring classroom exercise to campus, Laramie at large." The Laramie Boomerang, Nov 30th, 2013.
"Tiny greenhouse grows veggies for Wyoming coffee shop." (2013). Casper Star Tribune, Sept 1st, 2013.
Newman, E. (2013). "Grant helps local businesses grow food on-site." The Laramie Boomerang, Aug 24th, 2013.
Associated Press. (2013). "Tiny greenhouse grows veggies for Wyo. Coffee shop." Gillette News-Record, Aug 24th, 2013.
Associated Press. (2013). "UW research supports community food." Sheridan Press, Jun 3rd, 2013.
Associated Press. (2013). "UW research supports community food systems." KDLY/KOVE Fremont Broadcasting, Jun 3rd, 2013.
Associated Press. (2013). "Study shows value of community food systems." The Daily Ranger, Jun 3rd, 2013.
Associated Press. (2013). "UW research supports community food." Casper Star Tribune, Jun 3rd, 2013.
Associated Press. (2013). "UW research supports community food systems." New England Cable News. Jun 1st, 2013.
(no associated resources)
Associated Press. (2013). "UW research supports community food systems." Jun 1st, 2013.
(no associated resources)
Associated Press. (2013). "UW research supports community food systems." WBNS-10TV Ohio. Jun 1st, 2013.
(no associated resources)
Over, E. (2013). "Food Dignity Project begins third year on Wind River Reservation." County 10 News, May 30th, 2013.
Newman, E. (2013). "UW research project supports community food systems." The Laramie Boomerang, May 28th, 2013.
CFAT. (2012). "Can we do social justice research? The Food Dignity case with community food systems for economic development, sustainability, and democracy." Center for Fair and Alternative Trade. October 5, 2012.
Kiggins, S. (2012). "Snapshot: Christine Porter." UWyo Magazine (14:1). September 2012. University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.
Cockar, A. (2012). "Project to track local food production." The Laramie Boomerang, Jul 27th, 2012.
The Daily Ranger. (2012). "Farmers markets grow in tribal areas." The Daily Ranger, Jul 22nd, 2012.
AASHE. (2012). "University of Wyoming & Cornell University: Food Dignity." 2011 Higher Education Sustainability Review (pp50-51). 2012. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, Denver, CO.
Vital Signs. (2012). "Food Dignity: Dreaming Big, Digging Deep." Vital Signs: College of Health Sciences Annual Checkup (Pp.6). Apr 4th, 2012.
Facing Hunger in America Blog. (2011). "Nurturing Laramie's Local Food System." Aug 31st, 2011.
Newman, E. (2011). "Project explores plant power." Laramie Boomerang (A1). June 22, 2011. Laramie, WY.
Ramanujan, K. (2011). $5 million USDA grant to advance community food systems. Cornell Chronicle, Jun 6th, 2011.
Hammer, K. (2011). "$5 Million for Food Dignity." CBS 5 News Channel [television broadcast with interview of Porter]. May 10, 2011. Cheyenne, WY.
(no associated resources)
Reed, M. (2011). "Food grant intended for reservation improvements." Riverton Ranger. April 19, 2011.
UWYO. (2011). "UW Assistant Professor Awarded $5 Million Grant for Sustainable Community Food Project." University of Wyoming News. Apr 11th, 2011.